Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Site Build It Reveiw

Warning: Site Build It has more than made my house payment for the last year so this article will be a little biased.

My SBI Journey started in December 2004. In the previous couple of years I had built a couple of websites. I spent several hundred hours building these sites with Yahoo Geocities and then Microsoft Front Page. They were total failures as far as traffic. I got Zero...

I didn't understand how to get traffic but I came across the SBI Results page. Anyway I started building a SBI website about bicycles (I have owned a bicycle shop since 1980.) The bike season hit and I was back to work in the shop and the project got dropped. I only got to about 10 pages with the bicycle site. Almost no traffic.

The next year, winter of 2005, I decided I would actually try to follow the SBI manual and build an affiliate web site. I started over I watched the SBI Introductory video followed the SBI Manual and started building a website. I broke the magic 30 pages for my site and just kept going. I kept building pages, by the end of the first year I was up to about 90 pages. Magic was happening, I was getting traffic.


I am going to fence in the deer in my yard so I don't have to mow......

I was extremely excited the first day I had over 100 people through my site. (Imagine how cool it was the first day I had over 1000 people) I was also starting to make a little money. In my 11th month my website actually made Over $900. Traffic has continued to grow as has my income.

Site Build it has been my best online adventure. In two ways, the time I have spent with SBI has taught me a bunch about the web. The price of admission ($300) was worth the education alone. I have also been paid well for my time. It has become a great hobby, it is great to be paid to work on your hobby.

Daily Grind Interrupted rates SBI as the BEST website building experience. If your goal is to Interrupt your daily grind. Ken Evoy's SBI will teach you how to build a site that gets traffic.

a penny for your thoughts
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